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6 Factors to Consider in Hiring an Event Production Company

6 Factors to Consider in Hiring an Event Production Company

Every organization aims to deliver a successful event. Through the help of live event production companies, organizers can stage the best live productions ever imagined. However, choosing the best event production company can become tricky. There are many factors to consider to ensure the live event goes as planned. But which factors should companies consider before working with an event production company? Here are some ideas.

1. Reputation

A company’s reputation comes from the past projects and clients they worked with. It is the gauge of how excellent their overall performance was, considering all challenges presented, the solutions provided, and the way they handled every situation until fixed. Although more reputable companies cost more than companies without experience, organizers can get the assurance that they will have the best results possible.

2. Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are another gauges organizers can use to understand how good or bad a company worked in the past. Through feedback, they can identify the most common issues past clients had—be it in the production, deadline adherence, or the overall performance of the production company. Interested companies can find customer reviews on the production company website or online feedback platforms.

3. Services Offered

Aside from the primary services offered, the best production companies should also go beyond their means to provide other services companies may need in setting up their events. For example, if the company needs equipment to make the event more pleasing to the attendees, they should have contacts they can call or provide to the organizers to ensure the live event goes smoothly. As a result, organizers wouldn’t have to look for another service provider as the live event company they work with already built connections they can tap into.

4. Logistics

Logistics refers to the overall resource management of the materials needed to deliver the event. It includes acquiring, storing, and deploying the supplies necessary for their final destination based on the planned process. A successful event relies on excellent logistics. Therefore, it’s best to work with a company with excellent logistics, ensuring that the event will go as planned without delays. One wrong move in logistics can potentially change essential things in the event, making it unsuccessful.

5. Pricing

Another factor to consider is pricing. Although it is a debatable aspect in hiring the best live event company, it should influence the final decision as it is the deciding factor if companies should work with the chosen live events company. Even if there is an allocated budget for a live event, companies must consider the most logical price possible for the services they will get. Some live companies offer affordable packages with fair services, while others can overcharge yet deliver substantial results. Organizers should also remember that not because the service is expensive doesn’t mean it’s something they can get their money’s worth.

6. Delivery

Lastly, delivery refers to the overall process of producing the live event from planning to deployment. There are instances where the plan for an event is as good as it sounds but may fail during deployment. Therefore, organizers should work with the company that can produce the results they want.


Choosing the best event production company is difficult, as organizers must be careful when making decisions. But in choosing an event production company, they must select a company offering affordable services that also comply with client requests. However, the primary factor to consider is still the company's overall performance before working with them.

OPAV is one of the best event production companies in Orlando. Aside from full-service event production services, we also provide audio system rental assistance to help clients deliver the best live production possible. From seminars to conference events, our goal is to assist companies and individuals produce the best events possible. Go live today by booking an appointment with us through our website.

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